Criss Angel & breathing Underwater

Most of us know about Criss Angel and his Mindfreak show. Before coming to conclusions I would like you to read the following post, which I got from a discussion thread on Criss Angel. Magicians do not reveal their tricks, Criss is no different.

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He has revealed some of his less curious tricks from time to time on TV,in books etc. However his bigger tricks like the one in which he cuts through himself in full view of public(or "inside" outsiders) have people scratching their heads because there is no room for logic(they didn't show the cut parts clearly and there should have been a lot of blood). Actually speaking even his simpler tricks have no logical basis(and that is essential too for Mindfreak)
Now people have two general views on this,one who believe it is fake. Second a small minority who believe it to be magic(I don't believe in Magic. There is NO MAGIC!). Mind over matter are the words they use. A unified theory goes into the following post:

The Magician - A following story will explain how these disciplines can interact and why the word illusionist applies to the master painter as well as the best magicians. Early this century a magician was sent to North Africa to quell a rebellion. He came on stage with a large wooden chest which he placed in the center and asked for the strongest man in the audience to step up. After some coaxing a warrior champion, a lumbering ox of a man was propelled up on stage. The magician told him not to fear but to lift up the simple wooden chest. The man did this with consummate ease.

Next the magician told the audience he would steal the giant’s strength and render him as weak as a kitten. He clicked his fingers and asked the man again to try and lift the chest. Now the strongman strained and pulled but could not move the wooden chest, even an inch, and finally gave up. To prove he had taken away the man’s power the magician asked his assistant, a slightly formed young boy, to prove he could lift the chest - which he did.

There was much consternation which the magician stilled by suddenly announcing he could restore the former strongman's strength. Then after asking the audience if that was what they wanted, and with another click of the fingers, he did. Finally, upon ordering the strongman to lift the chest for a third time the man raised it with his former ease.

The chiefs gasped and the rebellion was quelled for who could oppose such power?

Of course a steel plate in the bottom of the chest and an early electro-magnet under the stage was the simple cause of the phenomenon. But what is important is the story. It was the magician's manipulation of the minds of the audience that was the real magic. That is the art of the illusionist. Not the trick. It is the same with a painting or a play. A good painting will make you believe what you are seeing has a reality in time and space even though you know it is an illusion, merely a picture on a wall.


Conclusion : entertainment!

Second part of today's post sprung from Criss Angel too
the initial pages of the discussion link above hada post by someone who said something about what liquid can on breathe. I googled it and found this.
The first real success in fluid breathing came in 1966, with Dr. Leland Clark's "liquid-breathing-mouse" experiment. Dr. Clark (inventor of the Clark electrode) realized that oxygen and carbon dioxide were very soluble in fluorocarbon liquids (like freon). Assuming that the alveoli of the lungs should be capable of drawing oxygen out of the fluid and replacing it with carbon dioxide, Clark suggested that these fluorocarbons should support respiration of animals. Performing the first tests on anaesthetized mice, Dr. Clark temporarily paralyzed each intubated animal, inflating a cuff inside the trachea to provide a seal and ensure that no air entered the lungs, and no solution leaked out.

After bubbling oxygen through the fluorocarbon, the oxygenated fluid was pumped into the animals' lungs, and recirculated (about 6 cycles of inhalation and exhalation per minute). Most of the animals who were kept in the fluid for up to an hour survived for several weeks after their removal, before eventually succumbing to pulmonary damage. Autopsies uniformly revealed that the lungs appeared congested when collapsed but normal when inflated. Some of the early problems Clark encountered seemed to be due to the size of the animals' airway. The tiny size physically limited the amount of fluid that could get into the lungs. For that and other reasons, carbon dioxide tended to build up in the system: it simply couldn't be removed fast enough.

This photograph demonstrates a living mouse breathing in the liquid, while a goldfish inhabits the water floating on top.

Wow! Talk about Gillyweed!


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