
Showing posts from September, 2012

AppEngine: Redirect naked or non-www domain to www domain on App Engine using Google Apps

Problem Statement: Your appspot domain: Your custom domain: non-www/ naked domain: How to redirect naked/ non-www version of your custom domain to the www version of the custom domain name? Generic Method: Add a 301 Redirect using your DNS provider. For example, if you own a domain at Godaddy, use Godaddy's DNS manager to redirect the non-www version to the www version. Alternatively, Namecheap offers a Free DNS feature for domain names registered with any registrar, which you can use by pointing your DNS servers to Namecheap's free nameservers. After that, point @ to your, and select URL Redirect(301) Step By Step: 1. Go to Select Free DNS from the Products menu. You will be asked for the domain name, sign up and point your dns servers as instructed. 2. After you have Free DNS up and running, go to Your FreeDNS under the Products menu and select your domain name In an ...