
Showing posts from May, 2008

GMail for Mobile

Here's a link to Unofficial GMail I have been using it for the past couple of years, when gmail didn't offer an option to login using a cell phone, and i should say it is kinda good for most basic tasks. I never had a problem with logging in and noticed that the site was regularly updated, patched etc. So, try it out the next time you want to send / receive mail with your mobile!

Criss Angel & breathing Underwater

Most of us know about Criss Angel and his Mindfreak show. Before coming to conclusions I would like you to read the following post, which I got from a discussion thread on Criss Angel. Magicians do not reveal their tricks, Criss is no different. He has revealed some of his less curious tricks from time to time on TV,in books etc. However his bigger tricks like the one in which he cuts through himself in full view of public(or "inside" outsiders) have people scratching their heads because there is no room for logic(they didn't show the cut parts clearly and there should have been a lot of blood). Actually speaking even his simpler tricks have no logical basis(and that is essential too for Mindfreak) Now people have two general views on this,one who believe it is fake. Second a small minority who believe it to be magic(I don't believe in Magic. There is NO MAGIC!). Mind over matter are the words they use. A unified theory goes into the following post: The Magician - A

Viral Expansion Loop

Read this article on It talks about Viral Expansion loop s, how it differs from Viral marketing and how google doesn't have much about the term Viral Expansion Loop Last time i googled there were 2600 results. lets see if this post gets added to the list. Update 2011: Hipatic appears on the first page, and the term is now mentioned over 20K times.